Professional Leadership Program - PLP
What is PLP?
PLP is a program established to encourage leadership amongst Jewish youth in Australian universities. The goal is to make Jewish education fun, stimulating and meaningful, and to encourage each participant to give over that excitement and gained knowledge in a positive way to their peers and to any forum in which they are involved.
The program has seen tremendous growth and interest. The course involves dynamic lectures on the basics of Jewish beliefs, Jewish Thought, and Ethics. We also host regular sessions with local and international guest speakers.
The group Shabbos meals we hold every few months are well-attended, and provide an informal setting to meet other like-minded Jewish students.
A highlight feature of our program is the opportunity to gain valuable work experience in one's field of study - be it medicine, engineering, law, accountancy - among many others - through the highly sought-after jInternship program.
This program provides students from around the world with unique internship opportunities at top Israeli companies, and arranges a whole Israel-tour alongside.
Often, these are students who have completed their university degrees, and are looking to gain valuable experience in their field, which can often be hard to come by in Australia. In the words of one of our alumni:
"...in Australia people want you to get work experience yet we can sweat to do applications, and then we're lucky to get one interview...
Once I was accepted to jInternship, and told them of my interest in solar engineering, I was immediately given three choices and the names of the contact people! I had my position in one day!"
Many of our students have become active ambassadors for Jewish ideals.
In 2017, for the first time we ran two trips; one to Israel, led by Y Fisher and Dr Jeremy Goldin, and we added a USA trip; 11 students joined Myron Sacher for a not-to-be-forgotten trip to LA, California, and New York. Students on this heavily-subsidised trip got to meet with leading Jewish business people and top-tier personalities, who imbued them with a feeling of pride in their Jewish identity.
The trips were both hugely successful, and we published two pamphlets with a writeup on each of the trips. The report on the Israel trip can be found here, and the report on the USA trip here (links open as PDFs in new window).
There are also some images in the galleries below.
For more information about this program, please contact our Course Co-ordinator Myron Sacher on myronsacher@hotmail.com or 0434 423 385.